01 B 01 (A) At a restaurant. (B) At a sailor's convention. (C) At home. (D) At a bank. 02 B 02 (A) She wants to make an appointment for tomorrow. (B) She's sick. (C) She loves the doctor. (D) She's a busy doctor. 03 B 03 (A) At a movie theater. (B) At the train station. (C) At the airport. (D) At the stadium. 04 B 04 (A) Catch a bus. (B) Get some coffee. (C) Buy some cream. (D) Serve the tea. 05 C 05 (A) Once a week. (B) Three times a month. (C) Twice a week. (D) Every day. 06 A 06 (A) Stop the waiter when he comes by. (B) Try harder. (C) Get another waiter. (D) Go to another restaurant. 07 C 07 (A) Eat lunch. (B) Go to a movie. (C) Go to the bank. (D) Go home. 08 B 08 (A) He can't smoke in the restaurant. (B) He can't smoke here. (C) He doesn't like smokers. (D) He quit smoking. 09 B 09 (A) Happy. (B) Nervous. (C) Tired. (D) Relaxed. 10 B 10 (A) The man is illiterate. (B) He can't read without his glasses. (C) He's blind. (D) She's his wife. 11 B 11 (A) Have lunch. (B) Park her car. (C) Talk with the officer. (D) Buy a book. 12 A 12 (A) He'll be on vacation. (B) He'll be returning from vacation. (C) He'll be working. (D) He'll be finishing the report. 13 C 13 (A) At school. (B) On a football field. (C) At a gas station. (D) At church. 14 A 14 (A) She can't go to the party. (B) Her sister is a pilot. (C) She doesn't like to go to parties. (D) She will be at the party. 15 C 15 (A) At a restaurant. (B) At a library. (C) At a hotel. (D) In a classroom. 16 C 16 A) Dr. Jones is always on time. B) They should turn on the heater. C) The room is too hot. D) Dr. Smith had to operate. 17 A 17 A) Math. B) Reading. C) History. D) English. 18 B 18 A) His wallet. B) His glasses. C) His bag. D) His book. 19 D 19 A) She hates to read. B) She has already read it. C) She's reading the newspaper. D) She's too busy. 20 B 20 A) At a grocery store. B) In a post office. C) On a golf course. D) In a department store. 21 A 21 A) Schools won't accept him. B) He isn't popular. C) He wants to go to another university. D) He wants to travel. 22 C 22 A) At a race track. B) In a restaurant. C) In a bank. D) At a bus stop. 23 B 23 A) He prefers a little sugar. B) He's sorry he caused so much trouble. C) He doesn't want tea. D) He doesn't want coffee. 24 C 24 A) To a department store. B) To a gas station. C) To a supermarket. D) To a sports shop. 25 A 25 A) She got a good grade on the exam. B) The test was extremely easy. C) She won the lottery. D) She's going to travel on vacation. 26 D 26 A) He plans to watch T.V. all night. B) He feels sick. C) The report is overdue. D) He's going to finish it tonight. 27 A 27 A) She's rearranging the furniture in the room. B) She's selling her apartment. C) Her back hurts. D) She's buying furniture. 28 D 28 A) Rent a car. B) Make a long distance phone call. C) Cancel her reservation. D) Buy a ticket. 29 C 29 A) A week. B) A month. C) Two weeks. D) All year. 30 C 30 A) She loves to take taxis. B) A taxi will be faster. C) She doesn't have exact change. D) She needs more money. 31 A 31 A) "I'm sorry to hear that." B) "Contact lenses are always troublesome." C) "You're a bad girl." D) "You have a bad doctor." 32 B 32 A) Four hours. B) Seven hours. C) Five hours. D) Eight hours. 33 C 33 A) The seven o'clock train. B) The four-forty train. C) The seven-twenty train. D) The twenty minute train. 34 C 34 A) Senile. B) Unfriendly. C) Fatigued. D) In love. 35 D 35 A) Call in sick. B) Go to the ball game. C) Go home. D) Go to the party. 36 C 36 A) Mrs. Isfeld. B) His wife's sister. C) Her father's family. D) Mr. Isfeld. 37 A 37 A) The dishes washed. B) Her husband to get ready. C) Her husband to make a wish. D) To pussy whip her man. 38 C 38 A) The green sauce would have been a better choice. B) He didn't like the other sauce. C) The other sauce is hotter. D) Green is a nicer color. 39 A 39 A) Go to his mother's house. B) Go to the office. C) Pick up some groceries. D) Go home. 40 C 40 A) The socks. B) Thick socks. C) New boots. D) The food. 41 D 41 A) The sun. B) The woman. C) Too much sleep. D) The computer. 42 C 42 A) Albert's. B) The man's. C) Susan's. D) The woman's. 43 B 43 A) Bald. B) Short. C) Thin. D) Tall. 44 A 44 A) With a funny story. B) Early. C) With a lecture. D) Nervously. 45 C 45 A) It's ridiculous. B) It's the dumbest. C) It's long. D) It's good.